Book Review: “The Indie Author Guide. Self-publishing Strategies Anyone Can Use” by April L. Hamilton

Please note: I first published this book review on the “Goodreads”-platform on August 25, 2016. I’ve now decided to publish some of my reviews on my website.

My Rating: 5 (of 5) “stars”

I bought a paperback copy, published in 2010 by F + W Media, Inc.

I first read this book in 2011, when I found it in a bookstore in New York City. I had already decided to write a book (a vegan restaurant guide about Vienna), but hadn’t made up my mind yet, if I wanted to self-publish the book once it was finished or look for a publishing house. I knew it was important to make that decision before I actually started writing the book. After reading “The Indie Author Guide. Self-publishing Strategies Anyone Can Use,” I never looked back. I love the whole self-publishing process, and April L. Hamilton’s book was by far the most valuable resource I have come across. I just re-read the book, and am grateful for the many useful tips she provided about organizing files, creating an author brand, publishing options, formatting, editing and revising, cover design, POD publishing, promotion, and other issues related to the self-publishing process.

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