Book Review: “Anna und Armand” von Miranda Richmond Mouillot

Please note: I first published this book review on the “Goodreads”-website in 2016. (I can’t remember why I wrote the review in English – I read a German-language edition of the book.)

My rating: 3 (of 5) “stars”

Ich habe eine Hardcover-Kopie dieses Buches des Limes Verlags vor ein paar Jahren als Geburtstagsgeschenk bekommen, das Buch wird auf der Verlagsseite nicht mehr geführt. Es ist aber antiquarisch noch erhältlich, z. B. von

Miranda Richmond Mouillot is a good writer. She draws you into the story, and you just don’t want to put the book down. The book is part autobiography, and part biography, which works very well. Miranda tries to investigate the story behind her grandparents’ marriage and acrimonious divorce. Her own life is influenced by this investigation. Unfortunately, the book’s ending is anticlimactic. There’s such a huge build-up throughout the book in regards to her grandparents’ story that you expect…more. I enjoyed reading the book, but it’s one of those books that you read only once.

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